„The most beautiful experience we can have

is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion

that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.“

- Albert Einstein



Karel Havlíček, Vice-Chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Bohuslav Svoboda, Mayor of Prague…


First Ambassador

The first Innovating Minds Ambassador for the German-speaking part of Europe is Martina Benešová, a leading European scientist…

is a project to support young scientists from all European countries, regardless of their EU membership or non-membership.
It´s main component is the awarding of prizes for scientific talent up to the age of 20. Their work will be judged by an expert jury of leading European scientists and the winners will receive significant financial rewards.
We want to present them to the general public through a TV gala evening and on social media.
We are aware that European science in 20 years‘ time will be what we can prepare today for the next generation of scientists.
The project has been joined by a number of European scientific personalities, Nobel Prize winners, rectors of leading European universities, academies of science, etc., as well as prominent figures in European culture and sport.
Only science can cut through the mountain of human hardship and pain.
Only science can prolong life, improve its quality, reduce the number of needy and suffering.
There is a worldwide emphasis on scientific knowledge and Europe must not be left behind. Its prosperity and place in the world depends to a large extent on European science standing up to global competition.
That is why we urgently need to focus on the young scientific generation, at European level.
And that is the goal and the purpose Innovating Minds.